The Soldier and the State

The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations  
Author(s) Samuel P. Huntington
Country United States
Language English
Subject(s) Civil-Military Relations
Publisher Belknap Press
Publication date 1957
Pages 534
ISBN ISBN 0674817362
OCLC Number 45093643

The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations is a 1957 book written by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington. In the book, Huntington advances the theory of objective civilian control, according to which the optimal means of asserting control over the armed forces is to professionalize them. This is in contrast to subjective control, which involves placing legal and institutional restrictions on the military's autonomy.

Outline Summary

This early Civil-military relations book is divided into three major parts: (1) theory and history of officership and the military profession; (2) a history of the military profession and civil-military relations in the United States up to World War II; (3) the same for the period of 1940 up to the publication of the book in the mid 1950s.

Part I: “Military Institutions and the State: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives”

In the first chapter Huntington provides his definition of a profession and an explanation for why the modern military officer corps represents a profession. He states that the “specialized expertise of the military officer” is “best summed up in Harold Lasswell’s phrase ‘the management of violence.’” [1]

In the 1950s, when Huntington’s book was written, the U.S. Army was draft-based and there was no institutional focus on the development of a professional non-commissioned officer (NCO) corps and Huntington declares the enlisted men to be “specialists in the application of violence, not the management of violence.” [2] Since the move to an all-volunteer force, the U.S. has military has placed great emphasis on the professional development and retention of career NCOs as ‘the backbone of the Army.” It would be interesting to analyze the modern U.S. NCOs corps against Huntington’s criteria for a profession.

Chapter two outlines the “rise of the military profession in Western society.” He describes that the officer corps consisted of mercenaries from the breakdown of feudalism until their replacement by aristocratic officers after the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) and why neither the mercenaries nor aristocrats were professionals under his definition. Finally in the 19th century the idea of the aristocratic military genius was replaced by the Prussian reliance upon “average men succeeding by superior education, organization and experience.” [3]

Chapter three discusses the military mind and military professional ethic. He notes misconceptions regarding the military mind and seeks "to elaborate the professional military ethic with respect to (1) basic values and perspectives, (2) national military policy, (3) the relation of the military to the state." [4] He summarizes the ethic as "conversative realism....It exalts obedience as the highest virtue of military men. The military ethic is thus pessimistic, collectivist, historically inclined, power-oriented, nationalistic, militaristic, pacificist, and instrumentalist in its view of the military profession." [5]

Chapter four is a discussion of civil-military relations in theory. He defines subjective civilian control (where military professionalism is reduced due to co-opting of the military by civilian political groups) and objective civilian control - where military professional thrives as it is far removed from politics. He describes the effect of four ideologies (liberalism, fascism, Marxism, conservatism) on military professionalism and civilian control.

Chapter five analyzes the military professional in the German and Japanese societies where it became dominant as militarism.

Part II: “Military Power in America: The Historical Experience: 1789-1940”

Chapter six describes the military in the traditional liberal American political context.

Chapter seven explains the structure of civil-military relations provided by the conservative U.S. constitution and civil control of the military.

Chapter eight outlines the American military tradition up to the Civil War.

Chapter nine is “The Creation of the American Military Profession”. It outlines the contributions of key individuals and institutions and describes the origins of the American military mind.

Chapter ten covers the period 1890 to 1920, including “Neo-Hamiltonism”, Alfred Mahan and Leonard Wood.

Chapter eleven covers interwar civil-military relations and the military ethic of the period.

Part III: “The Crisis of American Civil-Military Relations 1940-1955”

Chapter twelve covers World War II.

Chapter thirteen outlines civil-military relations in the first decade after World War II.

Chapter fourteen is “The Political Roles of the Joint Chiefs.”

Chapter fifteen describes the impact of the separation of powers on civil-military relations during the Cold War.

Chapter sixteen analyzes the Cold War structure of the Defense Department in the context of civil-military relations.

Chapter seventeen discusses the challenges faced by the heightened ongoing defense needs of the Cold War versus the tradition of American liberalism and the move “Towards a New Equilibrium” between the two.

  1. ^ pg. 11
  2. ^ pg. 18
  3. ^ pg. 51
  4. ^ p.g 62
  5. ^ pg. 79